Closing date for abstract submission is today Friday 9 November
6th Australasian Drug and Alcohol Strategy Conference 19 – 22 March 2013
Luna Park, Sydney
NSW Police Force and the Australian Federal Police are hosting the 6th
ADASC 2013 in March 2013.
This conference has been running in Australia since 1999 and provides an
opportunity to share experiences between policing jurisdictions, showcase
research and foster effective inter-agency partnerships. The conference
program will consist of an historical reflection on the launch of the
National Drug Strategy and look to the future with emerging psychoactive
substances and technology enabled drug crime receiving particular
Conference themes include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. Alcohol licensing
2. Case studies/investigations
3. Drug diversion
4. Policy issues
5. New technologies/new approaches
6. Aboriginal and diverse communities
7. Pharmaceutical drugs
8. Illicit drugs
9. Emerging drugs
10. Prevention
11. Young people, drugs and alcohol
12. Drugs and organised crime
To submit your abstract please visit today. Don't delay. We would like to welcome you to Sydney.