Drug Media Survey needs your thoughts

From Caitlin Hughes at the University of NSW:

The Drug Policy Modelling Program at the University of New South Wales has been funded by the Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing to conduct a study into Australian media reporting on illicit drugs. As part of the study we have developed a short online survey to examine youth attitudes to media reporting.

The survey is completely anonymous and we are targeting anyone aged 16-24 who lives in Australia. Our goal is to hear from a broad spectrum of youth: people from cities and rural Australia, from NT, WA, NSW etc and drug users and non-users. We’d appreciate your help to promote the survey in anyway you can: through blogs, email alerts, links on websites or word of mouth. This is the first major study of its kind in Australia and indeed it is also unique internationally and so we are seeking as broad and representative sample as possible.

The survey is available at www.drugmediasurvey.com.

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