Tag Archives: stimulants

Stimulant Treatment Program: NSW Health release evaluation

“NSW Health has recently released the preliminary evaluation of the Stimulant Treatment Program, which is now available on the NSW Health publications website.

The Stimulant Treatment Program (STP) commenced in New South Wales in 2006 with a trial of two standalone stimulant treatment clinics based in Darlinghurst, St Vincent*s Hospital and Newcastle, Hunter New England Area Health Service. The clinics provide treatment for stimulant users, primarily methamphetamine users including brief interventions, CBT and case management for people with mental health and substance use problems, using a stepped care approach to treatment.

NSW Health recently conducted a preliminary evaluation of the STP. The aim of the evaluation was to measure the effectiveness of the model of clinical intervention for stimulant users and identify key issues relating to service delivery, and to examine the feasibility of conducting the STP at the two clinics.

The preliminary evaluation was able to demonstrate that the STP has been successful in attracting and retaining people who need treatment but are often reluctant to present at mainstream drug and alcohol services.

The report can be found at: