The Australian Government, Department of Health and Ageing will tomorrow be releasing a request for tender through AusTender which will close on 27 March 2013.
The Department is seeking to engage a consultant to undertake a national review of the drug and alcohol prevention and treatment services sector in collaboration with states and territories, peak bodies and other key stakeholders.
The objectives of the review are to achieve:
· clarity as to the range of services currently funded, their distribution and the demographic groups targeted by these services;
· a common understanding amongst governments and the sector of current and future service needs and where there may be service gaps, either in relation to service type, geographic area and/or demographic groups;
· clarity as to the type and timing of drug and alcohol funding activities undertaken by governments; and
· the development of a resource to help focus future government funding activities to ensure resources are used as efficiently and effectively as possible to deliver quality, sustainable drug and alcohol services that respond to the needs of individuals, families and communities.
Interested parties with experience and expertise in the drug and alcohol prevention and treatment services sector and government funding processes, are encouraged to participate in the tender process.
For more information please refer to RFT # DoHA 105/1213 or contact Susan Cadman on phone (02) 6289 7174 or by email at susan.cadman