A Family Sensitive Policy and Practice Toolkit

An Invitation to a Launch:
A Family Sensitive Policy and Practice Toolkit

You and your colleagues are cordially invited to a launch of an important new NCETA resource entitled A Family Sensitive Policy and Practice Toolkit addressing child protection issues for workers in the alcohol and drug area.

The toolkit has been developed by the National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA), Flinders University as part of it collaborative partnership with, and through funding from, the SA Department of Health. Development of the toolkit resulted from the collaboration between NCETA and Professor Dorothy Scott former Director, Australian Centre for Child Protection, University of South Australia. Members of the South Australian Family Drug and Alcohol Network (FADNET) also contributed to the development of parts of the toolkit.

The toolkit is the first resource of this type to be developed in Australia and it has both national and international application. It builds upon the growing need for a more comprehensive approach to understanding the causes, prevention and treatment of alcohol and other drug problems. The primary audience is the alcohol and other drugs sector including AOD practitioners, social workers, general practitioners, mental health professionals, psychologists, community health workers, health promotion staff and those working in the legal/justice system. It is also intended for professionals working in the Family and Child Welfare/Child Protection sector.

The kit is designed to enhance evidence-based practice and facilitate Family Sensitive Policy and Practice within alcohol and other drug treatment services. It takes a holistic, public health approach to addressing alcohol and other drug misuse and aims to mitigate the impact of that misuse upon children and other family members. The Family Sensitive Policy and Practice toolkit comprises:

· For Kids’ Sake: A workforce development resource for Family Sensitive Policy and Practice in the Alcohol and Other Drugs Sector
· Taking First Steps: What Family Sensitive Practice Means for Alcohol and Other Drug Worker – A Survey Report
· A Checklist for Family Sensitive Practice for the Alcohol and other Drug Field
· Family Sensitive Practice in the Alcohol and Other Drug Field (6 page summary flyer)
· A CD-Rom containing all of the above plus additional resources in electronic format.

The toolkit will be launched by the Hon. John Hill, MP, Minister for Health and Minister for Mental Health and Substance Abuse at:
2.15pm Thursday 16 December, 2010
Flinders University City Campus
Room 1, Level 1
182 Victoria Square
Adelaide SA

Afternoon tea and copies of the toolkit will be available at the launch.
RSVP: Tuesday 14 December 2010
or Phone: (08) 8201 7535

Please contact NCETA for a map for the venue location and parking details.

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