Launch of the National Cannabis Information and Helpline – 1800 30 40 50

Here’s a noteworthy addition to Australian telephonic support in ATOD:

“National Cannabis Information and Helpline – 1800 30 40 50

Do you need information on cannabis?

Do you know someone concerned about their own cannabis use, or that of a friend or family member?

Does a client need support and advice around their cannabis use?

Does someone you know want to stop using cannabis and needs help to do so?

The National Cannabis Prevention and Information Centre (NCPIC) mission is to reduce the use of cannabis in Australia by preventing uptake and providing the community with evidence-based information and interventions.

One of the most important services that NCPIC offers is the National Cannabis Information and Helpline which commences operation on Monday 14th January 2008. The Helpline will be launched formally later in the year.

The aim of the line is to provide a national free call telephone service to the general community on all issues relating to cannabis. Trained telephone counsellors can provide callers with evidence-based information on cannabis as well as targeted advice and brief intervention for cannabis users, their families and concerned others.

The call is free nationally.

For any further information, please do not hesitate to contact Paul Dillon on (02) 9385 0226.

Paul Dillon
National Communications Manager
National Cannabis Prevention and Information Centre (NCPIC)

One thought on “Launch of the National Cannabis Information and Helpline – 1800 30 40 50

  1. Maura Chambers

    Thank goodness for the Cannabis Info and Help Line, a service needed for so long.
    found it accidently tho. Please fund a Health Promotion advertisement for country television stations so that we know it exists.

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